What is the Transformative Culture Project?

The saying “starving artist” didn’t come out of nowhere. According to the Center for Cultural Innovation and the National Endowment for the Arts, “Making a living as an artist has never been easy, but broader economic trends such as rising costs of living, greater income inequality, high levels of debt, and insufficient protections for “gig economy” workers are putting increasing pressure on artists’ livelihoods.” In Massachusetts especially, with some of the highest costs of living in the country, it’s difficult to follow your dreams, even if they can change the world.


At TCP we’re changing that. The Transformative Culture Project works with youth and adult artists to help them create social and economic power through their art. In a moment like the one we’re in, art has the potential to connect people to ideas they never thought were possible. As we look forward, we know that a different world IS possible because of the work we’re doing.

You can support that work today!